10.15: Halloween Kills (2021)
Neutral/dual pick – highly anticipated release
Rating: There is great discourse on this movie. What seemingly innocuous yet unpopular opinion do you have that matches well with this recent blockbuster?
Jess: Bearing in mind we live in the South: cornbread is gross.
Trav: Relevant since this is a Halloween, but weird since this used to not be the case with this movie: but Halloween 3 is not good.
10.16: Midsommar (2019)
Jess’s pick
Rating: What ritual/common practice would you pair with this modern cult-centric classic?
Jess: I would pair Midsommar with fireworks, because it is both beautiful and horrifying.
Trav: People singing along to Rocky Horror in theaters. Similar to the premise of this film, I’m just surprised so many people buy into it yearly.
10.17: Kill Theory (2009)
Late night Tubi pick
Rating: What theory pairs perfectly with this low budget slasher?
Jess: Any of the theories in “I’ve got a Theory” in Once More with Feeling.
Trav: The theory that people in power in this world are space lizards. Mostly cause both are entertaining in a very dumb way, but incredibly stupid in some way too.
10.18: Evil Dead 2: (1987)
Trav’s pick
Rating: GROOVY BABY. What catchphrase would you pair with this Raimi-Campbell camp classic?
Jess: “Alright alright alright.” That’s how I feel when I watch this.
Trav: OH, behave! – Mike Myers to Ash, probably.
10.19: Freaky (2020)
Jess’s pick
Rating: Pair your ideal body swap with this recent horror comedy.
Jess: I imagine swapping bodies with Mark Hamill is how watching this movie feels: unexpectedly powerful and with the potential to host many sequels.
Trav: Swap me with Michael Cera cause that would be horrifying somehow.
10.20: Scream 3 (2000)
Neutral/dual pick
Rating: What other good thing comes in threes?
Jess: Our pets! Some might think the 3 of them together are overwhelming but they make our lives better for existing.
Trav: 3 Pack movies. Most recently we picked up the Rob Zombie triple feature, including House of 1000 Corpses, Devil’s Rejects, and 3 from Hell. Good shit.
10.21: Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2 (2009)
Trav’s pick
Rating: In honor of the last act happening in RHPS costumes, what character would you pair this Zombie outing with?
Jess: Eddie, cuz from the day she was born Laurie was trouble.
Trav: Also Eddie cause Meatloaf is another musician involved in horror. Like Rob Zombie, obviously.