10.29: Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
Trav’s pick
Rating: What Halloween party shenanigans are you pairing with this entry in a classic franchise?
Jess: I’m going with some sort of drinking game, cuz it’s just fun.
Trav: Telling scary stories, cause some people don’t like that, but dammit I enjoy it!
10.30: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Jess’s pick
Rating: What dance move are you pairing with this horror musical?
Jess: A split – always impressive and a big hit.
Trav: The twist. Every dance in this movie just gives me rest kinda vibe.
10.31: Terrifier (2016)
Trav’s pick
Rating: What Halloween costume are you pairing with this Damien Leone entry?
Jess: Anything with a twist on a classic, cuz we’ve seen scary clowns but this movie is truly its own.
Trav: Is it cheating if I say clowns? Obviously this is a clown movie, but when a clown costume is done juuust right it is a magnificently creepy costume.